السبت، 29 نوفمبر 2008
الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2008
الجمعة، 21 نوفمبر 2008
Department Activities
Early diagnosis, proper management, and following the patients who are chronically ill together with provision of therapeutic facilities are among the goals of the unit that achieves them with
high standards.
The following comprise the routine work of the clinic
Diagnosis, management and follow up of diabetic patients. High quality service are delivered freely to the patients including insulin requirement, blood glucose strips, urine acetone strips, finger pricking devices and lancets, annual laboratory profile, growth assessment, educational programs, booklets for blood glucose records, leaflets for dietary instructions, posters, leisure activities and supplementary pensions for poor patients. Screening for diabetes among school children is also one of the responsibilities of the unit
Diagnosis and management of thyroid disorders whether hypo or hyper function and provision of free treatment to patients
Assessment of growth of short children with regular follow up and proper investigations including growth hormone stimulation tests, thyroid profile etc
Early diagnosis and management of intersex disorders to avoid psychic trauma to parents and their baby
Diagnosis and management of cases of obesity
Management of cases undescended testes
Detection of cases of diabetes insipidus, proper management and follow up
Diagnosis and management of parathyroid disorders
Chemical and hormonal laboratory profile
High quality services are provided for proper diagnosis and follow up of diabetic patients and those with endocrinal diseases. The following are the routine hormonal and chemical work of DEMPU lab
List of hormones
17OHP, 4-A, DHEA, DHEAS, 11 deoxycortisol, PRA, .
LH, FSH, testosterone, DHT, estradiol, progesterone.
FT3, FT4, TSH, prolactin.
Blood gases, Na, K, Ca, Ph, Mg
BOH buterate, lactate
Amino acid gram
Kidney, liver function
Lipid profile
GHb A1c
Microalbumin in urine
o Urinary execretion for ca, ph, ptn,cortisol
Research activities
Projects and International Cooperation of Diabetic Endocrine and Metabolic Pediatric Unit
(DEMPU), Children Hospital, Cairo University
Egyptian Growth Curves (2002). A university linkage project, Diabetic Endocrine and Metabolic
Egyptian Growth Curves (2002). A university linkage project, Diabetic Endocrine and Metabolic
Pediatric Unit in collaboration with Wright State University, School of Medicine, department of Community Health lifespan, Health Research Center. The project was performed over 3 years on a total sample of 33189 Egyptian boys and girls
Molecular studies for SRY gene in Egyptian patients with true hermaphroditism.
A collaboration between DEMPU and Prof. Marc Fellous, Human Immunogenetic lab, Pasteur Institute, INSERM, Paris, France
Study of skin fibroblast culture in Egyptian patients with androgen resistance and patients with 5 alpha reductase deficiency. A collaboration between DEMPU and Prof. Irene Mowszowicz, Unit of endocrinology & reproductive medicine, biochemistry lab, Necker hospital, Paris, France.
Study of mutational spectrum of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Egyptian patients (21 hydroxylase deficiency). A collaboration between DEMPU and division of Pediatric Endocrinolgy, Department of Pediatrics, University of Keil, Germany
Study of human Prop- 1 gene in Egyptian patients with familial combined pituitary hormone deficiency. A collaboration between DEMPU and Prof, Serge Amselem, genetic lab, INSERM U, 468, Mondor hospital, 94010 Creteil, Paris, France.
Study of mutational spectrum of Egyptian patients with androgen resistance and patients with 5
alpha reductase deficiency.A collaboration between DEMPU and Prof. Charles Sultan, National Institute of Health & Medical Research INSERM U 439, hormonal lab Lapeyronie, CHU Montpellier, Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, A. de Villeneuve Hospital, Montpellier, France.
Future Collaboration
Future Collaboration
A collaboration is planed between DEMPU and Prof. Sherif Abou Elela, Departement of Microbiology & Infectiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke (Quebec), Canada to:
Establish a molecular genetic lab
Train junior & senior staff in molecular genetics
Establish a DNA bank for endocrine diseases of Egyptian children.
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